Project Lotus: with Maitreya, the crystal skull, & Team
Awakening to our True Nature again
Core Values of Project Lotus
Celebrate our shared humanity, no matter what background or belief system you may have
Being the Observer
- Equanimity
- Cultivation of loving kindness for oneself and the other; ultimately to benefit all sentient beings
- Selflessness
- Interrelatedness
Transcendental wisdom
- Strengthen the diamond/crystalline grid of Mother Earth

The Core Team
Project Lotus is an initiative of “The Core Team” of the crystal skull group here. The core orchestrator is Maitreya, a 32.3 kg old Tibetan skull. In Tibet, Maitreya is known as the Lord of Love, The Compassionate One. He is considered by some to be the future Buddha. Others consider Maitreya a metaphor of mastership and aid for the Bodhisattvas of the Earth: each individual can embody the qualities of Maitreya because he is a metaphor for Love/compassion.
It is in this spirit that Maitreya & The Team are inviting us to UNITE. We are Love, we are One!
Connecting guardians all over the world
Therefore, The Core Team is calling crystal skull Guardians worldwide, and any other people who resonate with ‘the HEART’ of this project, to connect both the crystal skulls (or any other crystals) and the HEARTS of all participants. By meditating together in a larger group of people on these core human values, supported by the skulls, the crystal (skull) grid will multiply this energy field many times over!
At present, monthly global meditations are being organized via ZOOM. After the meditation, both the skulls and participants can share their messages/experiences with the group, as desired. The aim is to simply Be Together, support ourselves and each other in our shared humanity, as equals, with full respect, each grow individually, and simultaneously grow together as One! As ultimate intention, we will also enforce the diamond/crystalline grid of mother earth, so that all sentient beings will benefit from this initiative.
Soon, more in-depth trainings/workshops will also be added to our offer. Stay tuned!
Become a member of our global Comm-Unity and have monthly meditation (and more in-depth) meetings!

No past. No future. Open mind. Open heart. Complete attention. No reservations. That’s all.
Scott Morrison